9 union territory and 28 states with their spoken language

State and union territory  (rajya or kendra shahsit pradesh)

New India
370 and 35A was deceased on 5-aug-2019
after then India has 28 capital and 9 union territory

Jammu and kashmir not a capital now its union territory
and ladakh have been seprated from jammu and kashmir

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♻️ भारतीय राज्य सामान्य परिचय-♻️
क्रं०     राज्य               राजधानी         राजभाषा
01)   तमिलनाडु           चैन्नई              तमिल
02)   केरल             तिरुवनंतपुरम    मलयालम
03)   कर्णाटक             बंगलुरु             कन्नड
04)   आन्ध्र प्रदेश       अमरावती          तेलुगू
05)   तेलंगाना             हैदराबाद          तेलुगू
06)   गोवा                   पणजी           कोंकणी
07)   महाराष्ट्र               मुम्बई             मराठी
08)   ओडिशा             भुवनेश्वर          ओड़िया
09)   पं० बंगाल          कोलकाता          बांग्ला
10)   सिक्किम             गंगटोक           नेपाली
11)   असम           दिसपुर(गुवाहटी)  असमिया
12)  अरुणाचल प्रदेश     ईटानगर          अंग्रेजी
13)   नागालैण्ड़             कोहिमा          अंग्रेजी
14)   मणिपुर                इम्फाल         मणिपुरी
15)   मिज़ोरम             आइजॉल            मिज़ो
16)   मेघालय               शिलांग            अंग्रेजी
17)   त्रिपुरा                अगरतला           बांग्ला
18)   बिहार                  पटना               हिन्दी
19)   झारखण्ड              रांची               हिन्दी
20)   छत्तीसगढ़          अटलनगर           हिन्दी
21)   मध्य प्रदेश            भोपाल             हिन्दी
22)   उत्तर प्रदेश           लखनऊ            हिन्दी
23)   हरियाणा             चण्डीगढ़*          हिन्दी
24)   उत्तराखण्ड़           देहरादून            हिन्दी
25)  हिमाचल प्रदेश        शिमला             हिन्दी
26)   पंजाब                चण्डीगढ़*        पंजाबी
27)   राजस्थान              जयपुर             हिन्दी
28)   गुजरात               गांधीनगर       गुजराती

All Nine union territory  of India 

  • जम्मू और कश्मीर         – –  Jammu and kashmir                
  • लद्दाख                        – – jammu and kashmir       
  • National Capital Territory of Delhi – Delhi
  • Chandigarh – Chandigarh.
  • Daman and Diu – Daman.
  • Dadra and Nagar Haveli – Silvassa.
  • Pondicherry – Puducherry.
  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands – Port Blair.
  • Lakshadweep – Kavaratti.
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union territory is a type of administrative division in the Republic of India. Unlike states, which have their own governments, union territories are ruled directly by the Union Government (central government), hence the name “union territory”. Union territories in India qualify as federal territories.
  • Chandigarh :::::: After the Partition of India in 1947, the former British province of Punjab was also split between east Punjab in India and west Punjab in Pakistan. The Indian Punjab required a new capital city to replace Lahore, which became part of Pakistan during the partition.On 1 November 1966, the newly formed Indian state of Haryana was carved out of the eastern portion of Punjab, in order to create Haryana as a majority Hindi-speaking people, while the western portion of Punjab retained a mostly Punjabi language-speaking majority and remained as the current federated state of Punjab. However, the city of Chandigarh was on the border, and was thus created into a union territory to serve as capital of both these states.
  • Dadra and Nagar Haveli :::::: After India attained Independence in 1947, the residents of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, with the help of volunteers of organisations, subtracted the territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli from Portuguese India in 1954. Although it enjoyed de facto independence, Dadra and Nagar Haveli were still recognised internationally (e.g., by the International Court of Justice) as Portuguese possessions The residents of the former colony requested the government of India for administrative help. K.G. Badlani, an officer of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) was sent as the administrator.
  • Daman and Diu :::::: For over 450 years, the coastal exclaves of Daman and Diu on the Arabian Sea coast were part of Portuguese India, along with Goa and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Goa, Daman, and Diu were incorporated into the Republic of India on 19 December 1961 by military conquest. Portugal did not recognise the Indian annexation of these territories until 1974.
    The territory of “Goa, Daman, and Diu” were administered as a single union territory until 1987, when Goa was granted statehood, leaving Daman and Diu as a separate union territory. Each enclave constitutes one of the union territory’s two districts. Daman and Diu are approximately 640 kilometres away from each other.
  • Lakshadweep :::::: The inhabitants of these islands, remote from the mainland of India, heard the final news of the Partition and Independence of India some days after it occurred on 15 August 1947. As the islands were then British possessions and part of theMadras Presidency, in accordance with the Indian Independence Act 1947, enacted by the British parliament a month before, the islands transferred automatically to the new Union of India. However, considering that they also had a Muslim majority, it seemed possible that the new dominion of Pakistan might seek to lay claim to them. On the orders of Vallabhbhai Patel, the first Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of India, a ship of the Royal Indian Navy was sent to the Laccadives (as they were then called) to hoist the Indian national flag and ensure the islands’ integration into the new Union of India, aiming to thwart any similar attempt by Pakistan. Hours after the arrival of the Indian ship, vessels of the Royal Pakistan Navy were seen near the islands, but after observing the Indian presence they returned to karachi 1956, during the reorganization of Indian states, the Lakshadweep islands were organized into a separate union territory for administrative purposes.
  • Puducherry :::::: According to the Treaty of Cession of 1956, the four territories of former French India were guaranteed to retain their special administrative status. That is why Puducherry is the only Union Territory, apart from National Capital Territory of Delhi with some special provisions like a Legislative Assembly. French is the official language.
  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands :::::: At the independence of both India (1947) and Burma (1948), the departing British announced their intention to resettle all Anglo-Indians and Anglo-Burmese on the islands to form their own nation, although this never materialised. It became part of the Indian union in 1950 and was declared a union territory in 1956.
  • National Capital Territory of Delhi :::::: The NCT and its urban region have been given the special status of National Capital Region (NCR) under the Constitution of India’s 69th amendment act of 1991.
  • Jammu and kashmir & union territory —on 5 aug article 370 and  35 A has been removed and convert jammu and kashmir state into union territory also ladakh removed from jammu and kashmir and make it another diffrent union territory.
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