Haryana Mock test online set-5 for gk

Haryana Mock test online set -5


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इब्राहिम खान का मकबरा कहा है ?
Ibrahim khan was the grandfather of Sher shah suri and his tomb was built on the instruction of Sher shah suri.
राष्ट्रीय अश्व अनुसंधान कहा है
कोटला झील कहां है?
mewat-Famous lake for tourist point of view
It is artificial lake of haryana
भिवानी में पहली बार नहर कब लायी गयी ?
लाल चेस्नेट मृदा पाई जाती है?
Yamuna nagar me
पंचकुला जिले की स्थापना की गई थी
In 1995 Panchkula was established as District
उदासनाथ मेले का आयोजन किया जाता है?
अलावपुर पलवल
शमा रिसोर्ट कहां पर स्थित है
Haryana Govt tourist resort Shama located in Gurugram
लूर नृत्य किस अवसर पर किया जाता है?
होली क अवसर पर
for more you can visit haryana ke nritya
बलबन ने हरियाणा में शासन किया ?
ख्वाजा अहमद शाह अब्बास किस क्षेत्र से थे?
सिलाई मशीन उद्योग कहा का प्रमुख उद्योग है
Ambala is known as scientific nagri..silai machine udyog …sugrical Equipment also manufactured here so ambala known as Scientific,medical equipment, sewing machine.
अधखिला फूल किसकी किस प्रसिद्ध रचना
बालमुकुंद गुप्त
Balmukund gupt was born in Rewari (Haryana)
He wrote many  was a famous writer of Hindi but he had knowledge of Farsi and Urdu also
किसको देसी बोली बोला जाता है
बाजे भगत का जन्म किस जिले में हुआ थाt.
Sonipat Famous artist of Haryana Baje Bhagat
July 16 -1898  to feb 26 1939 Indian writer, Ragni writer, poet as well he was sang  and cultural resprentative.
Baje bhagat original name was Baje ram
Yamuबीरबल का रंगमहल किस शहर के निकट है
Birbal rangmahal as well as birbal ka chatta also located in yamuna nagar city of haryana
किस शहर को वार हीरोज कहा जाता है
Bhiwani is known as war Heroes city
where as panipat as known as war city
रानिया का कब विद्रोह हुआ
IN 1818 Raniya rebellion Done by jodha singh
शर्यणावत किस जिले का पुराना नाम है
Kurukshtra was known as shrnyawat in past
For other names you can see the article of old name of haryana District.
बाटा जूते बनाने का कारखाना स्थित है Haryana में
In Faridabad shoe company Bata is located

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